VIRTUAL REALITY AS A NEW MEDIA IS REVOLUTIONARY |AUDIOBOOK (Individual) 1. Explaining about identifiing verbal and nominal sentences. Writer : Muhammad Fatih Farhat Target : Publics Duration : 8 Minutes Format : video Source : PBLL Subject : How video games affect the brain Competencies : Translate articles into Indonesian Section Storyline Naration Estimated Duration Opening Hello, My name is Fatih farhat, I am 19 years old and a student at Polimedia Jakarta, I will translate articles that I find on google, Translating languages is not easy, so pay close attention to the article link in the description 30 seconds Translate Di seluruh dunia, video gamer menghabiskan miliaran jam per minggu di depan layar mereka. Beberapa ilmuwan telah meneliti dampak video game. Di sini, temukan pengaruhnya terhadap otak dan perilaku Sekilas, lebih dari 150 juta orang di Amerika Serikat bermain video game secara rutin, atau setidaknya 3 jam pe